Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Reincarnated on Orkut

With a lot of enthusiasm I am again throbbing on Orkut.Com. When I last deleted my account in October 2006, I had 336 friends and 50 fans. And now I have to start from scratch. When I see some people who have more 600 friends I wonder, how deep their relationship will be with each of them. This time round I have resolved that I will not have any "havent met" category of friends.

Keeping a lot of scraps on orkut can give one a lot of personal details abt a persons life by reading it. So, it is advisable to periodically delete your scraps. If you are too picky abt it, least you could do is save the scraps locally on ur machine. Thats what I did :). I had saved all the relevant webpages from my previous orkut account, now I dont have to rethink the testimonials that I had written, I can reuse my previous effort.

Also, last time round I got some matrimonial mails ... stating I read your profile on orkut ... liked it ... so I am looking for a person like you to marry my sister ... let me know if you are interested. So I have also resolved to reveal as less as possible on orkut. If you have some questions about me then u can ask me through contacting me ... I would let you know my passions, turn-ons, turn-offs, what will u find in my room, etc..

That gives me an idea for orkut team to mull over. Why not have complete customzied profiles for each user, as to allowing each user to have 5 different profiles visible to different category of friends - acquaintances, good friends, best friends, etc. Even now they have implmented such a thing for birth-dates. You can make your birthday visible to friends, friends-of-friends or everyone. This must be extended to all the fields, so conscious people like me can micro-manage the information they wanna give to other people.

Nonetheless, happy orkutting!!!


Blogger Anjaan Shayar said...

AFAIK, orkut gives u the visibility flag for most of the entries you make in your profile.

8:41 AM  
Blogger Roaming Panda said...

I'm visiting your blog after quite some time. Good to see three new posts. :)

In your new-found Orkut enthusiasm, please don't forget to keep your blog updated for non-Orkut'ians like me.

Cheers and TC!

3:56 AM  

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