Monday, April 03, 2006

3 ways to handle other people

There are 3 classes of people with regards to commenting on the actions of other people:
Class 1 (Ideal) : They show tolerance to the way different people think and respect the freedom of expression. They try to put themselves into other persons shoes and try to understand the circumstances and other factors that are instrumental into influencing one's thoughts. They are also ready to change their opinion if they are convinced by the other person's point of view.
Class 2 (Indifferent) : They are indifferent to what others do and just do whataver they feel like. More or less they are harmless creatures, but they have a very stereotyped manner and a predictable behaviour, since they do not tend to adapt themselves to the environment.
Class 3 (Adamant) : They insist on enforcing their thinking on people around them. Whatever they think is always right and they closed to other people's opinion.

I partially believed in this classification. But IMO most people have a blend of more than one of the above classes. People assume different roles and so they adopt different behaviour under different circumstances. These circumstances are driven by fear. Fear of losing something, fear of looking stupid in front of loved ones, etc. When a person is asked to be an arbiter in a dispute in which he has nothing to gain, he would behave according to class 1.

In short, humans are designed to be erroneous in nature. In fact the unpredictable behaviour of humans is one of the factors which differentiate them from machines or rather monkeys. But I believe monkeys are not as stupid as they are portrayed in folk tales. After all History is always written by winners ... More on this in the next blog.


Blogger Gladtomeetin said...

Hey Good Analysis ;-)) So Started blogging huh?? Cool ! I'll keep checking ;-))

- Nithya

12:08 PM  
Blogger Harshit Shah said...

There would be a 4th way of handling other people :) The Virag way....The popular name for this is '4th Dimension'

4:30 PM  

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